Transformers: War for Cybertron is a third-person action shooter developed by High Moon Studios and released by Activision Blizzard in 2010. It takes place before the memorable events occurring on Earth, revealing details of the fierce conflict between the shapeshifting robots and the Decepticons. The title serves as an excellent introduction to previous Transformers games, so it’s a must-have if you’ve always wanted to see what happened before the plot of the other installments. Transformers: War for Cybertron game is also a fun treat for all fans of this universe, revealing a new setting and story details like Optimus Prime’s origins.
Transformers War for Cybertron Steam key Amazon Cybertron is a faraway mechanical planet destroyed in a devastating war between the Decepticons and the Autobots. Eager to take possession of the dark energon, both factions do everything to outsmart their longtime rivals. Can the planet survive this conflict? And how did powerful robots end up on Earth?
Transformers War for Cybertron divides into two independent single-player campaigns. In the first, you will guide the Decepticons desiring dark energon to gain ultimate power in the universe. The second is an opportunity to follow the story from the Autobots’ perspective as they fight to stop their ruthless rivals. This story reveals the details of the main characters’ encounters and the beginnings of their effective cooperation.
Choose your hero and start the campaign with two companions controlled by the computer or other players. Change form to ride as a vehicle or fly and discover your favorite combat style! Each progress means more experience unlocking the ability to upgrade the playable character. Eliminate continuous waves of enemies in solo Escalation mode or choose one of the multiplayer modes to cooperate and compete with other players. By winning, you’ll earn extra experience points that can be exchanged for new skills, so it’s worth the effort!
Key features:
- Play an epic third-person shooter set in the famous Transformers universe
- Discover the disturbing consequences of the war between the Decepticons and Autobots on Cybertron
- Have fun in two single-player campaigns
- Change your form to become unpredictable in fierce combat
- Play solo or in one of the many exciting multiplayer modes
Key features:
- Two Distinct Campaigns, One Epic Story
- Play both the Autobots and Decepticons campaigns
- Battle as your favorite Transformers character in this 3rd Person High Action Shooter
Wage War Online
- Deep multiplayer game modes thrust you into a global battle
- Team up with your friends and battle waves of enemies in Escalation Mode
Create Your Own Tranformers Character
- Choose your character class, vehicle, weapons, attributes, skills, and upgrades
- Level up and customize your character to fit your playing style
3-Player Drop-In/Drop-Out Online Co-Op
- Team up with your friends and fight through epic campaigns
Change Form From Robot To Vehicle At Any Time
- Instantly convert from robot to car, jet, tank or truck mode and attack your enemies from any angle
Steven –
Transformers: War for Cybertron is a compelling action-adventure title that skillfully captures the essence of the Transformers universe, particularly for fans longing to dive deep into the lore behind the Autobots and Decepticons. Released by High Moon Studios and published by Activision, this game marks a significant foray into the world of Cybertron, offering an exhilarating experience that’s both nostalgic and fresh.
Kenneth –
The gameplay mechanics are robust and engaging, allowing players to control a variety of beloved Transformers characters. The game features a satisfying blend of melee and ranged combat, enabling players to switch seamlessly between vehicle and robot forms. Each character is equipped with their unique abilities and weapons, which adds an element of strategy to battles. The level design offers expansive environments, encouraging exploration and experimentation with each Transformer’s capabilities. While some might find the progression somewhat linear, the engaging set pieces and dynamic combat keep the pace lively.