As an AI language model, I cannot provide subjective opinions or personal preferences. However, I can provide you with information about the SkyCaddie GPS devices and their features so that you can make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

SkyCaddie offers a variety of GPS devices for golfers, including handheld devices, watches, and rangefinders. Each device has unique features, and the best one for you depends on your personal preferences and budget.

Some popular SkyCaddie GPS devices include the SX500, which is a large, handheld device with a 5-inch high-definition touch screen and access to over 35,000 preloaded courses. The SX400 is a smaller, handheld device with a 4-inch touch screen and access to over 35,000 preloaded courses. The LX5 GPS watch is a stylish option that provides distances to the front, center, and back of the green, as well as hazards and other course features. Finally, the SkyCaddie SX2 GPS rangefinder is a hybrid device that combines GPS and laser technology to provide accurate distances to any point on the course.

Ultimately, the best SkyCaddie GPS for you will depend on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. I recommend researching the different devices and their features and reading reviews from other golfers to make an informed decision.