Uneekor QED is a golf launch monitor system that provides accurate data for golfers to improve their game. The system uses advanced camera technology and algorithms to measure key data points such as ball speed, launch angle, spin rate, and more. Here are some pros and cons of the Uneekor QED system:


  • High accuracy: The Uneekor QED is known for its high accuracy in measuring key data points, providing golfers with reliable feedback on their swings.
  • Multiple camera setup: The system uses a dual-camera setup that captures both club and ball data, resulting in more accurate measurements.
  • Real-time feedback: The system provides real-time feedback on key data points, allowing golfers to make immediate adjustments to their swing.
  • User-friendly software: The Uneekor QED comes with a user-friendly software that is easy to navigate and provides detailed data analysis.


  • Price: The Uneekor QED is a high-end golf launch monitor system and comes with a hefty price tag, making it less accessible to casual or amateur golfers.
  • Space requirements: The system requires a certain amount of space to set up and use properly, which may be a challenge for those with limited space.
  • Not portable: The Uneekor QED is not as portable as other launch monitor systems, making it less ideal for those who want to use it in multiple locations.

Overall, the Uneekor QED is a high-end golf launch monitor system that provides accurate data and real-time feedback to golfers looking to improve their game. While it comes with a higher price tag and space requirements, it’s a great option for serious golfers who want to take their game to the next level.