Bushnell range finders are generally well-regarded in the market and have a reputation for being accurate and reliable. Whether a Bushnell range finder is worth it for you will depend on your specific needs and budget.

If you frequently play golf or hunt and require accurate distance measurements to improve your performance, investing in a quality range finder like a Bushnell can be a worthwhile investment. It can help you choose the right club or weapon, improve your aim, and ultimately improve your score or hunting success.

However, if you only play occasionally or don’t require the level of precision provided by a range finder, you may not need to invest in one. In that case, a GPS device or a smartphone app may be a more cost-effective option.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether a Bushnell range finder is worth it based on your specific needs and budget. Consider reading reviews, comparing features and prices, and talking to other golfers or hunters to help make your decision.