To smooth a putting green, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Start by mowing the green with a reel mower to a low height, usually around 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch. This will help to remove any unevenness or bumps in the grass.

  2. Use a drag mat or a steel mesh mat to smooth out the surface of the green. A drag mat is a tool that you can drag across the surface of the green to help level it out. A steel mesh mat is similar, but it can also help to break up any clumps of grass.

  3. Use a roller to further flatten the surface of the green. A roller can help to create a more uniform surface and can also help to push down any remaining bumps.

  4. After rolling, check the green for any remaining unevenness or bumps. If necessary, use a hand rake or a stiff broom to smooth out any remaining areas.

  5. Finally, water the green lightly to help settle the grass and promote healthy growth.

It’s important to note that smoothing a putting green can be a delicate process, and overworking the surface can actually damage the grass. It’s a good idea to consult with a professional or to do some research before attempting to smooth a green yourself.

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